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Heb 10:25  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.


You are invited to join us in regular weekly Bible studies, or in occasional guest preaching

in different churches and ministries. You are also invited to pray for us, to engage,

to connect and to partner with us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Koinonia House Bible Study

Come and join us every Thrusday at 7P.M. as we study verse by verse through different books in the Bible.

Sample of our Study


Grace Community Guest Preaching

You can either join us or replay the services from guest preaching on our Video Platforms. Sample of Guest Preaching.


Czech Slovak & English Fellowships

Come and join our regular Czech, Slovak & English Koinonia Fellowship. Our upcoming Czech, Slovak & English Christmas Service is Sunday Dec 10th, at 1P.M.

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Calvary Chapel Canyons / New Hope Church / Men's Groups ...

You can either join us or replay the service from guest preaching on our Video Platforms

Colorful Fruits

Calvary Chapels Guest Preaching

You can either join us or replay the services from guest preaching on our Video Platforms. Sample of Guest preaching.

Wheat Crop

Mid Cities Baptist Church Guest

You can either join us or replay the services from guest preaching on our Video Platforms. Sample of Guest Preaching.

Upcoming Event

Our next Czech, Slovak & English Koinonia Fellowship

will be on Sunday  January 21st, 2024 at 1 P.M. at

Orange location. Contact us for exact address.

Please come and join us for worship English message,

good food, and time of fellowship.

You Are Invited.

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